Tuesday, 26 November 2013

All about the cheap glass pipes smoking

You sat at the corner with your glass bowls to enjoy the quiet time with yourself. You inhaled and closed your eyes to enjoy the blissful smoking session and then it happened. Suddenly the dry bits of bad awfully tasting dust started to appear in your water pipes hose while making the inhalation unpleasant. So, what’s that anyway?  It’s the dusty glass pipes. Let’s not deny, dust in your mouth can actually ruin your glass pipes smoking session.

So where does the dust of the glass water pipes come from? Okay, as you keep on smoking your water pipes, the humid smoke gets condensed in the hose while gathering as a liquid, containing the particles of shisha and flavor, which are in the smoke. And once you are through with the smoking session, if not aired out, this tiny amount of liquid will simply sit in the hose till the water evaporates. Yes it leaves the “shisha dust” behind.  Look deeper into the glass pipes hose. Does it contain metal coils inside them? If yes, then you can be rest assured that the Shisha Dust residue and the water inside will simply hasten the oxidization/rusting of the metal coils process.

Hanging your water bongs hose up after use helps the liquid residue (to drip out of the hose. And if you still have some dust in the hose, may be a good hard puff of air through the hose will help. To keep your mouth dust free you can also use the glass pipes filter. However you can always use glass ash catcher to prolong the smoking session.

It is when the dust becomes too much of a hassle to clean out from the water pipes it’s better to replace the hose because washing over and over again will simply exacerbate the problem, unless you are using the washable Hookah Hose.  Incredible but true, the washable glass water pipes hose can be washed freely without fear of damaging them. Yes, these are being designed to be rinsed through!

With this comes yet another significant question - which one to buy from the detail range of water pipes for sale? The answer is however simple, you should view it as shopping for a vehicle. There are people who search for the rugged truck, some looks for luxury automobile and there are still some who looks for a cheaper car that’s easier on the wallet. The point is shopping the water pipes is much like shopping for an automobile, as there could be many different “bests” based on your needs. Perhaps you prefer smoking with a large group in a large room. You might prefer the traditional huge Hookah with 4 hoses. On the other hand the student living in an efficiency apartment might love the Egyptian Furat Hookah for its portability and style. Options are almost endless!

Monday, 18 November 2013

Pipesdaddy - Buy tobacco pipes, glass ash catcher, cheap glass pipes

Yes, they got hooked to the smell of shisha. They sat together with the water pipes in the middle. The pale moon hung amidst the vast sky, thick flavor rose. The bubbling sound, the hint of tobacco in the air carried the smoking session to another level altogether. Wait, I am not telling a story from the Arabian Night tale. It’s a real scenario from the hookah bar.  The sheer idea of glass water pipes smoking has now taken the world by storm.
Well, it is however pertinent to mention here, the age old Middle Eastern concept of water bongs smoking has now steadily marched ahead and has now become a favorite pastime amongst all. With the enormous growth of shisha cafes and bars the sheer idea of bubbling smoke through the glass pipes have now become incredibly common amongst the smoker. And possibly this is one of the reason behind the incredible success of the cheap glass pipes. 

Dear hookah lovers, would you be interested to experience the real magic of hookah smoking?  If yes, then first add the glass ash catcher to the glass bowl in order to prolong your smoking session and then stir up your creativity with innovative hookah smoking ideas. 

Here are a few cool ideas to mix the hookah flavors –
Idea 1: add some ice to the water. This will make the smoke thicker and the smoke softer.
Idea 2: You can also add some fresh mint leaves in the water. Trust me, it tastes excellent!
Idea 3: I have added some real cool citrus zests in the water and trust me it tastes awesome!
Idea 4: Adding milk to the water to make the glass water pipes smoke softer is also a nice idea.
Idea 5: Of course you can experiment with various types of liquors in the base, in altering strengths..

Indeed the market is now almost crammed with state- of-the-art water pipes for sale and all you need to do is to but the water bong that suits your preference and budget.
Here are a few ideas to heighten your water pipes smoking session to a mind-blowing experience with some simple tricks with the coal placement.
Tip 1: Deposit the coal anywhere on the aluminum foil
Tip 2: You need to place it on the exterior part of the foil.
Tip 3: Now try to move it around in a circular motion.
That’s right; every position will make the taste different.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Glass Pipes | Glass Bowls are for sale

Smoking pipes was a tradition practiced from the ancient ages. Among some of the pipes, the most frequently used pipes were the glass pipes. The taste was clean and they had a stunning effect on the mind and soul of an individual. People used to believe that blowing glass bowls can release all the stress and tensions of life. These are also available in dazzling colors, shapes and tastes. The smokers are mostly addicted to pipes. They engage into an awesome experience of smoking which is felt. It is as if they are standing on the seventh cloud. Smoking is a preferred by many of the individuals worldwide. The glass artists engrave the different types of designs on the pipes to give the pipes a new and unique look. 

One of the advantages of the glass water pipes is that they are available in many colors. The different kinds of shades attract many customers. Other than the color and design, the quality of the glass is first class. The flavors used in the pipes are also of high quality. The tobacco used in it is also of fine quality. The customers mainly get attracted to the different flavors present in the pipes.  A customer can easily choose the type of glass pipes ranging from high to low and from newest to oldest. Special care is taken when these pipes are manufactured. It is seen that the flavor does not vanish in the air.

The modern water bongs are however created with precision. First a glass tube of a length that differs in size and thickness is taken and then the whole processing continues. A glass blower is used to check the heat and the consistency of the water inside the pipe. The bending of the glass into different shapes is started after this procedure. After this the adding of the different colors takes place. Different colors are fused in the glass water pipes to give it a new appearance. Out of the most frequently used glass pipes, the inside out water pipes are one. The glass used in the manufacture of the pipes Pyrex. The Pyrex glass is durable and almost unbreakable.

A beautiful pattern created on the pipes makes it elegant and attractive. Smoking water pipes helps in filling up the lungs with carbon dioxide like smoking cigarettes. It is the most common phenomenon among the teenagers. Previously it was blown by students of college and universities. A hookah bar is the favorite spot of the teenagers. Use of flavored tobacco in the cheap glass pipes is a frequent event in the recent days. The Water pipes for sale are available at the different websites for the benefit of the people. A person can choose from the wide range of colors, style and flavors online.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Know what you should know about cheap glass pipes

Glass water pipes have a rich tradition no doubt but it is at the same time true that it has obtained distinction in the test of time. If we just have a watch in the history of the ancient civilization, we will be surprised to see that in almost all the civilizations the practice of smoking was on in the full swing. Basically it was a matter of sophistication and at the same vain it had also indicated the social status and cultural lineage of those people. But it won’t be entirely wrong if you think that the sphere of smoking pipe is entirely the genre of the people of blue blood. Now a day the scenario has changed altogether as Cheap Glass Pipes nowadays stand as a staggering reality.

If you are interested to know the entire gamut of glass water pipes, you cannot ignore the term glass bowls. Always keep in the mind that the water inside the pipe is the most important thing in the sphere of smoking and a Glass Bowls generally used to control the temperature and consistency of that very water. After that the manufacturers start the procedure of bending the pipe into various shapes and pattern. At the same time the addition of color also takes place. And in this regard the quality of glass matters most. You may hear the name of the Pyrex glass. It is durable to the greatest extent.

As the hookah aficionado I believe that the best way to kick off this hookah education is to…smoke the glass water pipes. Yes, I wanted to know some of the most essential part of the glass pipes smoking session. They say – “Sometimes, when starting a journey, one must begin at the top of the mountain.”

To put it loosely, preparing an A+ bowl stands as the key ingredient to attaining the best taste, the best smoke plumage, and just the best possible hookah experience. Heat your coal well before you simply start with the bowl. Take it from me, the quick light coals although are very convenient but leaves a very bad taste so bank on the natural coals to augment your glass pipes smoking session to a new height altogether. 

Next step is shisha selection and once you are done with the selection of the shisha it’s time to fill up the glass bong with shisha until there is just a small space between the tobacco and the rim. 

Now place the metal hookah bowl screen over top of the bowl. And now attach the Glass Ash Catcher. Enjoy smoking!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Cheap Glass Pipes have Created Ripple in the Market

In the long gone days rippling the thick tobacco smoke through the glass bowls was definitely the favorite pastime. Those days are now history because leaving the corner of home and breaking all the traditions, glass water pipes has now become the ultimate form of expression of your attitude. With the incredible growth of the shisha cafes and bars, glass water pipes smoking has become a big hit.

Believe it or not, the innate culture of hookah smoking now stands as the saga of changing tradition! The style and aroma which it emanates whispers the rich legacy of the oriental saga. Dear Hookah enthusiasts, the tradition of hookah smoking can be best illustrated through a detail discussion about the intimidating Glass Pipes culture. 

Let’s start now

Water pipes culture in the Middle East: Typically in Arab society Narghile smoking is done with a single hose. Once the smoker is finished either he places the hose back on the table or it is handed over to the next smoker. And thus the Cheap Glass Pipes smoking session goes one involving all in a group.  A curious Hookah Culture in Arab countries is pretty intriguing. The water pipes receiver taps or slaps the giver on the back of the hand while taking it. Sounds interesting right? You can incorporate this in your next party theme!

In Turkey however, glass water pipes smoking is done on a social basis, usually in one's home with guests or often in the café. Narghile cafes are dotted all across Turkey and glass pipes are offered typically with a non-alcoholic drink. This is more for health reasons rather than any kind of religious reasons. 

In the Palestinian Territories and Israel, Hookah culture is also prevalent. Glass water pipes can be found at some coffee houses, restaurants and more recently, at outdoor concerts and nightclubs. Curiously some of the nightclubs also offer the option of renting hookahs. Glass pipes smoking is also abundant in the Palestinian Arab home where families commonly smoke hookahs after a large meal or at a family gathering..

Glass Water pipes culture in the US and Canada:
‘Hookah bars’ and cafes have mushroomed throughout the United States, especially near college campuses. Interestingly, water pipes for sale have now become so popular! Would you be interested to take it another level? Attach a Glass Ash Catcher to make your smoking session longer!

Water pipes culture in Asia: The popularity of hookah bars in India has quite an interesting story. Modern water pipes smoking was popularized by a small cafe in central India called Mr. Beans. Located at the city of Indore, Beans became successful not only as a hookah bar but also as a concept. Because of its success, cafes began to spring up all over metropolitan India.