Sunday 4 August 2013

When you Need Glass Ash Catcher

Let’s look back and take a quick recap. Even 10 years ago, glass pipes were a little-known device in the U.S. Perhaps you were the only one in your college dorm going down to the “slab” and sharing your ‘Hookah Love’ with the fellow students. Yes it was the days when Nakhla Tobacco was the only Shisha tobacco available in the U.S. and the huge ornate Water Pipes were the only hookahs which we got in those days. Honestly, little did you know that hookahs would soon become a mainstream product and would be available even at the grocery stores! Yes, time has changed indeed and today, the hookah is much more popular.

Yes, the Glass Ash Catcher breathe the sighs of history. And the journey of glass pipes smoking as a simple time pass to a partying idea is certainly curious. Hookah smoking has gradually evolved and reached its height of popularity during the 17th century. It was much later the use of tobacco (shisha) in hookahs became rather popular and then what happened is history.

The incredible coffee shops of the Middle East have been recreated all over the U.S., and both the traditional as well as the modern and hip hookah bars and hookah night clubs almost sprang as an answer to the tradition of the social aspects of hookah. Honestly, the hookah industry has now changed from a Middle Eastern pastime to the ultimate, full-fledged worldly pastime sheer focus on quality and consistency. In fact - Nakhla is no more the dominating brand as it was and nowadays the newer brands such as Roman, Al-Fakher, Al-Waha, Starbuzz, Al-Amir, Tangiers, Fantasia, Fumari, Layalina, Havana, Tonic, Fusion, and others have established in the markets with hundreds of flavors. Cheap Glass Pipes are coming from Egypt, Syrian, Lebanon, Europe, and China.

How do you smoke?

Well, you need to drag the smoke. Inhale the smoke. And now exhale it. Let it be intent, intense and insanely deeper and let the warm fuzzy feeling intertwine and weave the magic tale of the Oriental Opulence. NOW drag the smoke. Did you savor the real flavor? How did it taste? Electrifying, isn’t it? Yes, water pipes smoking is FUN. It’s so different. The taste simply hangs, the flavor swirls mildly. And now with the incredible range of water pipes for sale available online taking a hubbly bubbly break is so easy!

Be wary of the common misconception

It is certainly a common misconception – more flavors you put into the head, more heavy smoke the glass water pipe will emanate. Well, that’s untrue and quite contrary, more flavor you force into the head of the hookah, you leave less space for the vapor of the flavor to travel through the hookah. And that kills the flavor. So first things first – loosen up the Shisha before putting it into the head. Be gentle in putting the loose flavor in the head. Never force it in! Also, never try to fill the head up with the Shisha completely because there should be a bit of space left for the next tip.

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